Imposter Syndrome is rampant right now and it is not only happening at work. If you have ever asked yourself:
“Am I fraud?”
“Do I belong here?”
“How did I get here?”
Then you are in the right place!
With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, and automated responses; it is so difficult to feel relevant as a human these days. The emotional overwhelm and desire for connection is more prominent than ever before because it is so difficult to navigate work and social spaces in real life (IRL). Everyone feels awkward from time to time, but if you are struggling to feel secure, valued, and/or confident personally and professionally, it is time to ask yourself what matters to you. What do you value?
The one trait that we have that cannot be replicated is the ability to feel and express emotions. Our emotions are triggered by our environment and are often proceeded by a thought, then a behavior. Our behaviors influence our relationships with others and the way we perceive ourselves. This all happens in the blink of an eye. If you know what matters to you; your feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and relationships will ideally follow suit (see Theory and Model for Mindfulness for more information). If you do not know what you value, or an algorithm has led you to believe that you value something that does not reflect your true, authentic self—you will inevitably feel anxious and uncertain about the future. Imposter Syndrome and other undesirable outcomes will impact your quality of life.
In our sessions, we will build on your capacity to recognize what you value and how to live in accordance with those values. When you enter new and/or challenging spaces, you will learn to utilize the tools and resources we have developed to calm your senses and sharpen your responses to insure that you are moving through time and space with care and precision for desired outcomes. When your desired outcomes are achieved—and they will be—you will begin to feel a mastery and sense of empowerment that you had previously only imagined. Your quality of life will inevitably improve and you will be better.
Finding a therapist and or services that are right for you is my legal and ethical obligation. If you have any questions or would like a free 30-minute phone intake please call (707) 241-4963 or email to schedule a time to speak.
Reach out via text or email and be sure to include your name, age, and as much information about the challenges you are facing as you feel comfortable sharing. Elizabeth will get back to you within two business days to schedule a free 30-minute phone intake.
If Elizabeth’s services can benefit you, the phone intake will be scheduled. The first fifteen minutes of the intake are for you to share what is troubling you. This is not how a typical conversation with a stranger begins, so there is always an initial discomfort. Rest assured, if it is a good fit, you will feel mild to significant relief by the end of the conversation. In the second half of the conversation Elizabeth will speak with you about how her services can support you. Scheduling, fees, and other logistical information will also be discussed.
The first few sessions are a getting-to-know-you process. If you have never been in therapy, it can be quite anxiety-inducing to discuss personal events that you may not have shared with even your closest friends and family members. This is normal and expected. Feeling vulnerable and emotionally raw after a session may not sound like a desirable outcome, but it is! This is all part of the human experience and exactly what makes you superior to AI, algorithms and automated responses.
Take a moment…
…to breathe.
If you are an adult, young adult, or mature teen, you have probably felt overwhelmed thinking about your future. You may find yourself in a job, living situation, educational setting, or relationship that feels unsatisfying. You are reaching out because you can’t figure out why you consistently find yourself in one, or more of these situations. The adult looking for someone to help them understand the patterns of dissatisfaction and anxiety that they feel can learn more about how psychotherapy for the evolving human works by clicking here. If you are interested in couples therapy for yourself and significant other, you can learn more by clicking here. Lastly, but certainly not least—parents with young children who are seeking services for their child and family can learn more here.